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Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

Treatment In Beverly Hills, CA

Non Surgical Spinal Decompression | Beverly Hills Disc and Laser Therapy Center | Dr. Bryan Abasolo

Discover Non Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy

DRX 9000 Non Surgical Spinal Decompression: If you are suffering with chronic lower back pain or chronic neck pain, you may benefit from a surgical alternative known as non surgical decompression therapy. 

Over time, whether there is injury or neglect, the spinal discs in our back begin to degenerate, very similar to a garden not getting water. When this happens, the discs become weak, and can tear causing a herniation.

If these disc injuries are not corrected, continued degeneration occurs until the disc becomes arthritic leading to symptoms such as back pain, leg pain, sciatica and even neuropathy.

Non Surgical Spinal Decompression using the DRX9000 works by gently distracting these injured discs so as to allow nutrients to be brought back into the disc. Once this occurs, natural healing processes can occur.

How Spinal Decompression Works

Non Surgical Spinal Decompression works by gently decompressing the injured disc of your spine, leading to a negative pressure within the disc. The technology is quite advanced because we can target specific discs which are causing your problem.

The DRX9000 has the capability to treat only those injured discs, leaving other discs alone.

Essentially, this negative pressure creates a vacuum like effect which reduces the herniation. The reduction of the herniation leads to a reduction in pressure off the nerve root. Once this is stabilized, your back pain or leg pain symptoms will be alleviated.